
Bullying is a major problem in schools around the world.

The CABS helps to identify children’s problems with bullying. It was tested on a population of American children between 13 and 18 years old (Strout et al., 2018).

Scores range from 20 to 100. The higher the score, the more severe the bullying problem.

Run the demo

The CABS is free to use, but you need to acknowledge the authors and their research paper when writing about it (see references).


This is a simple scale question.

The survey code for PsyToolkit

Copy and paste this code to your PsyToolkit account if you want to use the scale in your own online research project
scale: cabsscores
- strongly disagree
- disagree
- neither agree nor disagree
- agree
- strongly agree

l: cabs
t: scale cabsscores
q: For each line, click how much you agree with it
- Kids try to make me feel bad on purpose
- One or more kids at my school are mean to me
- Kids at my school make fun of me to make me feel bad
- Kids at my school try to turn others against me
- Kids have tried to get me in trouble
- I get bullied at school
- I have had my stuff taken or damaged on purpose by another student
- I have been hurt by another student on purpose
- I have been threatened by another student in a mean or hurtful way
- There are times that I do not want to go to school because I am being bullied
- I wish I could go to another school because I am being bullied
- I have pretended to be sick so I could stay home from school because I am being bullied
- Kids at my school ignore me on purpose
- Kids post or text mean or hurtful messages, comments, or photos about me online
- Kids at my school joke or tease me in a way that bothers me
- I am bothered when kids at my school tease me
- I worry about bullying so much that I cannot pay attention at school
- Kids at my school talk behind my back, share my secrets, or spread rumors about me
- Kids leave me out or ignore me because I am different
- I have had upsetting memories of being bullied
- Kids at my school make fun of me to make me feel bad
- I get bullied at school
- There are times that I do not want to go to school because I am being bullied
- One or more kids at my school are mean to me
- Kids at my school try to turn others against me
- Kids at my school talk behind my back, share my secrets, or spread rumors about me
- Kids leave me out or ignore me because I am different
- Kids at my school joke or tease me in a way that bothers me
- I wish I could go to another school because I am being bullied
- Kids at my school ignore me on purpose
- I have been threatened by another student in a mean or hurtful way
- I worry about bullying so much that I cannot pay attention at school
- Kids try to make me feel bad on purpose
- I have pretended to be sick so I could stay home from school because I am being bullied
- I have been hurt by another student on purpose
- Kids post or text mean or hurtful messages, comments, or photos about me on line
- I have had upsetting memories of being bullied
- I am bothered when kids at school tease me
- Kids have tried to get me in trouble
- I have had my stuff taken or damaged on purpose by another student

l: results
t: set
- sum $cabs*

l: feedback
t: info
q: Your score on the Child Adolescen Bullying Scale is {$results} points.
Please consult the webpage (link following if you click the continue button)


  • Strout, T.D., Vessey, J.A., Difazio, R.L., Ludlow, L.H. (2018). The Child Adolescent Bullying Scale (CABS): Psychometric evaluation of a new measure. Research in Nursing and Health, 41, 1-13.