
This scale measures wokeness and was developed by Oskari Lahtinen (2024).

In the study, wokeness is based on an earlier definition by Sensoy and DiAngelo (2017):

"A critical approach to social justice refers to specific theoretical perspectives that recognize that society is stratified (i.e., divided and unequal) in significant and far-reaching ways along social group lines that include race, class, gender, sexuality, and ability. Critical social justice recognizes inequality as deeply embedded in the fabric of society (i.e., as structural), and actively seeks to change this."

This study and an independent study (Dutton & Kirkegaard, 2024) found negative correlations between wokeness and anxiety and depression. Note that, obviously, correlation is not the same as causation.

Scores and interpretation

This scale use a four-point Likert scale from "Completely disagree" to "Completely agree". Below are a few summary data, note how women and people identifying as neither male nor female score more than double as high as men.

Scores can range from 0 to 3 points. The table below is based on Table 8 of the article by Oskari Lahtinen (2024).

Group N CSJAS score










I strongly recommend to check the original article for really good data on this, especially Table 8 which lists data for different educational degrees and political affiliation.

Run the demo

It seems that the CSJAS can be used for research, but you need to acknowledge the authors and their research paper when writing about it (Lahtinen, 2024).


This is a simple scale question.

The survey code for PsyToolkit

Copy and paste this code to your PsyToolkit account if you want to use the scale in your own online research project
scale: csjasLikert
- {score=0} Completely disagree
- {score=1} Somewhat disagree
- {score=2} Somewhat agree
- {score=3} Completely agree

l: csjas
t: scale csjasLikert
o: buildup
q: How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
- If white people have on average a higher level of income than black people, it is because of racism.
- University reading lists should include fewer white or European authors.
- Microaggressions<sup>⚹</sup> should be challenged often and actively.<BR>(<sup>⚹</sup> = verbal communication or act, which can be seen to reflect negative attitudes towards a minority group, regardless of original intent)
- {reverse} Trans<sup>⚹</sup> women who compete with women in sports are not helping women's rights. (<sup>⚹</sup> = born male, identify as female)
- {reverse} We don't need to talk more about the color of people's skin.
- A white person cannot understand how a black person feels equally well as another black person.
- {reverse} A member of a privileged group can adopt features or cultural elements of a less privileged group.

l: csjasScore
t: set
- mean $csjas*

l: csjasFeedback
t: info
q: Your score on the Critical Social Justice Scale is {$csjasScore}
Read the documentation to help you interpret this.
Click link at and of survey to get back to documentation.


  • Lahtinen, O. (2024). Construction and validation of a scale for assessing critical social justice attitudes. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2024, 65, 693–705. Link to study

  • Dutton, E. and Kirkegaard, E. (2024), Do conservatives really have an advantage in mental health? An examination of measurement invariance. Scand J Psychol.

  • DiAngelo, R. (2018). White fragility: Why it’s so hard for white people to talk about racism. Boston: Beacon Press.