
Eating disorders are a major problem, especially in young women. Common types of eating disorders are:

  • Anorexia nervosa: Trying to keep weight excessive low through self-starvation, etc.

  • Bulimia: Overeating followed by throwing up or use of laxative

  • Binge eating: Feeling an urge to overeat

There is a lot of information that can easily be found on the internet, including self-help information.

The Clinical Impairment Assessment (CIA) Questionnaire was created by the Credo group in Oxford. The CIA focuses on the impact an eating disorder has on psychosocial functioning, that is, on general wellbeing and the ability to have meaningful friendships.

There are 16 Likert items, and the total CIA possible score ranges from 0 to 48. Higher scores indicate higher levels of psychosocial impairment associated with an eating disorder.

The original study by Bohn et al. (2008) was carried out with 123 patients who participated in a cognitive behavioral therapy in eating disorder clinics. These were the CIA scores of patients no longer suffering from an eating disorder compared to those still suffering from an eating disorder.

Group Score

Patients no longer considered to have an eating disorder


Patients who were still have an eating disorder


A score of 16 or higher might indicate an eating disorder case (Bohn et al., 2008).

Run the demo

The article lists a, which means that you can use the material in the paper in any medium or format. You must give appropriate credit to the authors (Bohn et al., 2008), provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made.


This is a simple scale question. This is a simple scale question with some reverse coded items.

The survey code for PsyToolkit

Copy and paste this code to your PsyToolkit account if you want to use the scale in your own online research project
scale: howmuch
- {score=0} not at all
- {score=1} a little
- {score=2} quite a bit
- {score=3} a lot

l: cia
t: scale howmuch
o: buildup
q: Over the <b>past 28 days</b>, to what extent have your<br>
... eating habits<br>
... exercising<br>
... or your feelings about your eating, shape or weight .....<br>
- made it difficult to concentrate?
- made you feel critical of yourself?
- stopped you going out with others?
- affected your work performance (if applicable)?
- made you forgetful?
- affected your ability to make everyday decisions?
- interfered with meals with family or friends?
- made you upset?
- made you feel ashamed of yourself?
- made it difficult to eat out with others?
- made you feel guilty?
- interfered with you doing things you used to enjoy?
- made you absent-minded?
- made you feel a failure?
- interfered with your relationship with others?
- made you worry?

l: score
t: set
- sum $cia

l: feedback
t: info
q: Your score on the Clinical Impairment Assessment Questionnaire is {$score} points.<br>
A score of 16 or higher might indicate that you are suffering from an eating disorder.<br>
Of course, people with a lower score might also suffer from an eating disorder.<br>
This test is in now way a diagnostic test, just a PsyToolkit demonstration!<br>
If you are concerned, go back to the PsyToolkit webpage for help links.<br>
